To say I’ve been enjoying getting back to streaming this year is an understatement. I’m really loving it and loving hanging out with all the wonderful people in my community. If you’re not following me on Twitch, click on over here and check out the streams sometime. It’s a pretty chilled time, I listen to some cool music, do some art or craft projects and just talk about whatever happens to come up.
I’ve done a few more pages of the new book, which you can see just below here, and have been working on a couple of other things that I’ll let you know about in just a minute. But first, here’s some art for your eyeballs –

Please feel free to explore the links below, content will continue after this small link break.
Some Links
As always if you’re interested in what I draw with and the pens I use, you can find all of that stuff on Amazon, just check out the affiliate links below. Any traffic through there really helps me out and I appreciate all your support!
Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens –
UK – (strangely hard to get on Amazon in the UK)
GER – (broad) (fine)
Moleskine Plain Notebook –
UK –
Stream update
Like I mentioned at the opening, I’ve really enjoyed getting the stream back up and running. I have a rough schedule planned out and will hopefully be sticking to that moving forward. Obviously because I’m a human and not some sort of art producing robot (yet), things will change.
Take right now for example. I was supposed to do a stream today, but I think a bit of over tiredness caught up with me and I slept too long, now I feel like a zombie and just didn’t have it in me to hit the GO LIVE button. And you know what? That’s fine! I used to beat myself up over missing a stream I had already announced, but honestly, taking care of myself and not overdoing it is going to be much more healthy for both myself and the stream in the long run.
And hey, I managed to still upload a TikTok video earlier and write this blog, so things aren’t all bad. I just managed to channel my energy in another creative direction, which is an absolute win in my books.
Having said all that, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has come back to the stream and has been hanging out. It really means a lot that you choose to spend your time with me doing my thing. I appreciate every bit that is cheered, every sub that is gifted, every sub that is renewed, new subs, old subs, even Prime subs!
What’s a Prime sub you ask?
Did you know that if you have Amazon Prime, you get a free Twitch subscription you can use each month? Yeah! If you go to Prime Gaming and link your Prime and Twitch accounts (Amazon own Twitch, it’s not like they don’t already have your information, it’s safe to do this), you will automatically be given one free Twitch subscription to use on anyone you like. Just make sure you’re on a browser, not the Twitch app, and when you click to subscribe there’s a little check-mark that says something like “use my Prime subscription”. That’s all there is to it!
Do note that it doesn’t auto re-sub. So each month you will need to go through and click subscribe, use my Prime subscription etc. Obviously if you chose to use your Prime sub on me I’d be incredibly thankful! I get the same money from that subscription that I do from a regular one, and the money doesn’t even come out of your pocket! How rad!
More projects for the stream
I have a few things I’d like to start working on. Obviously a lot of them are time dependent and ALL of them unfortunately are money dependent, so some may start quicker than others. Streaming and artwork is all I currently do for a living so money is constantly very tight right now, but here’s what I’d like to continue working on –
- Sewing Projects. Look for a post soon on hats!
- Puppet Projects. I’ve re-ignited my love for making puppets. I’ll explain more in another post along with some things I’ve already been working on.
- Tattoo Stuff. I plan on buying some basic entry level tattoo equipment and practice skin and getting back into learning how to work in that medium. Now before the internet army of tattooists jumps down my throat about apprenticeships and paying my dues, I have no intention of joining your industry and stealing your clients. I have consulted some tattoo folks I know, and I’m working off some advice that I was given. So jam your “locals rule and yuppie insects like me shouldn’t be surfing the break” rhetoric. I’m gonna Johnny Utah this shit.
- MORE ART! Obviously I’ll be doing more art this year.
- Admin. Look I know this one sounds boring, but I think to help keep myself accountable I need to be taking care of some of the admin of what I do in front of people. So one stream per week I think will be dedicated to writing the schedule for the next week, talking about what I’ve been doing, talking about plans I have for new ideas. Creating a place for me to dump all of that stuff that constantly rattles around in my head and hopefully help sort it out some.

This all sounds amazing! Glad to see your sails have some wind behind them and can’t wait to see what projects you come up with! Loving the blog posts and the art updates! You know I’ll be on stream whenever I can. ☀️